Friday 11 November 2016

Dwelling In Self Pity

The worst thing that could ever happen to anyone is to dwell in self pity and bluntly speaking, I think it's just better to dig a grave and bury yourself in it rather than walking around with all that negative energy that produces nothing good but leads one to self-destruct eventually. We all got a story to tell and if you think you've gone through the worst scenarios of life, why not turn to the man next door and watch a couple episodes of the life drama he played a preceding role to and then you'll understand that life is not a bed of roses and we all have had our own fair share of the good, the bad and the ugly and still fresh in our memories are times life slapped the taste out of our mouth, leaving us with an empty stomach and yet filled with worries.

You know, there's no time to dwell in the past, you just have to pick and dust yourself up and get moving again. Time waits for no one, neither is tomorrow promised so make the best use of the seconds you're privileged with. You can't keep crying about the whole place like a baby, there are already enough mess on the sitter's plate and the least you could do is to wash your own folk. Clean up your own mess my friend, not litter the place with it. Even a dog will go for the biscuit bone rather than settle for a pet. You have to own up to your misfortunes, taking full responsibility of the circumstances within and beyond your control that life brings your way.

We are soldiers in the making and not a bunch of school kids crying over spilled milk. If life gives you lemon, why not reach out for a bottle of vodka and mix it with some ice. You can't afford to get caught in a corner, effortlessly strive to pave a way through that wall even if it means to chisel your way out. Nothing good comes easy so be rest assured that you'll need more than self pity if there were to be any chances of you standing toe to toe with your problems and over stepping them. A man is known by the battles he wins so you better pick up your gun and load it up with some bullets. And remember, you're only allowed to fight with the scripture so be careful not to let out some blanks.

You know, I hate to be the reason you lost the war so let me take a second further to carefully explain to us my initial expression of loading up your gun with some bullets. God has equipped us with the right words embellishing the pages of our bible and if only we adhere to the instructions given to us and meditate on it day and night, we soon become accustomed to them and flows out naturally and no power contrary to the one ministered to us by the Holy Spirit can withstand the heat that comes with it. It's like walking around the streets with a rocket launcher to your shoulder, trust me, no one wants to get in your way and risk a chance of been blown away.

I have found myself in situations where I allowed my emotions take the best of me and stretched a loving arm to self pity because at the time it was kind and selfless enough to provide me with the shovel I needed to bury myself with in tears and If not for any other reason, i will never forget my uncle for that wonderful day in his sitting room where he gave me the words of my life, bringing to my attention the cancer fast eating deep into me and an immediate need to cut it out or live to face the consequences later. That day I got a hold on myself and ended the reign of self pity in my life. And ever since, I've learnt to take charge and not make excuses for my failures and setbacks. 

You can as well and yes you will. I care less what you're going through and what you've been through, they are only preparing you for the glory ahead and you can't afford to loose track and miss out on a real fight to fulfilling your destiny. The truth is, if it comes easy, it sure wouldn't last. Fight for what you want and don't quit even when you have it because there's always room for more. Self pity takes the mind off purpose and leaves us consuming sucrose even more, thereby exposing us to danger because we obviously end up with a pet to the head and left with that 'feel good sip' from a chilled bottle of coke. Today you still have the opportunity to decide to what direction you'll be pitching your tent, tomorrow might be too late, so act now and cut out the deadly cancer that might have eaten deep into you like it did with me.... Stay positive !

Kay Magnate

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